Wellness Report


How are you feeling right now?

What can you do today to improve your well-being?

All kinds of great things start with your self:

  • Self-confidence
  • Self-expression
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-respect
  • Self-advocate
  • Self-fulfillment
  • Self-belief
  • Self-determined
  • Self-discipline
  • Self-improvement
  • Self-love
  • Self-expression
  • Self-motivated
  • Self-reflect
  • Self-worth

But the most important of them all is self-awareness.

Self-awareness, or mindfulness, is the secret ingredient in our well-being pizza. It’s the trick to making all of the other ingredients a little bit better.

Self-awareness means learning how to accurately identify your feelings, thoughts, and actions. When you understand WHY you’re doing or feeling something, it’s a lot easier to decide if it’s a good or bad thing for you and those around you. Self-awareness also helps you understand other people and communicate so that you can have better relationships with others.

Why is self-awareness important?

People with good self-awareness are able to notice their own strengths and weaknesses. You see the things that you aren’t happy with, but you also see the things that make you a great person too.

People who are self-aware:

  • Can figure out what is needed to do a task
  • Can understand their feelings and talk about them with others
  • Understand how their behaviour affects others
  • Want to improve
  • Learn from their mistakes 
  • Acknowledge other people’s feelings and needs

When we think about our 8 wellness ingredients on the well-being pizza, you can see that mindfulness can help you improve in other areas too.

Sleep – Understanding when you are tired and what steps to take to sleep better

Screen – Thinking about what you are doing on your screen and if it makes you feel good or bad

Sit – Realizing when you need to take a break and move around

Step – Making the time for physical activity and noticing how it makes you feel better

Snack – Considering whether or not you are hungry and taking the time to eat slowly

Social – Identifying the feelings of others, including your family and friends

Stress – Figuring out what is causing you stress and how you can help alleviate it


How can you improve your sense of self and mindfulness?